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A light walk

Night Illuminated Paths

We create nighttime entertainment by walking visitors through a route that will allow them to discover a place or a city center in a different aspect from the daytime thanks to video projection, gobo projections and light installations.
These technologies are attracting growing interest from spectators who are increasingly participating in this new type of experience.
The beauty and richness of your heritage enhanced by our light trail will renew the cultural offer while generating additional interest among visitors.

Animated light trails

We propose the installation of several video projectors distributed in different points of the city in order to create an animated light trail.
This original idea composed of different video and still image media, also installing gobo projectors, aims to energize the heart of cities by offering a magical stroll to share with the family.

Discreet installation

Discreet hardware integration is made possible thanks to compact video projectors offering high brightness and high image contrasts, thanks to our range of compact and bright gobo projectors.
For the end-of-year holidays, our video projection system will perfectly complement your range of illuminations.

A varied poetic journey

Stroll between the installations in the heart of your city center and mix video projections with gobo projections and light installations to reinforce the wonder of your visitors and offer a complete and unique experience.


Video screenings

Plan high points in your light journey using video projection.


Gobo projections

Mark the route and highlight unique architecture.


Light installations

Enter the heart of light with immersive installations.

Temporary or permanent installation

This device can also be installed permanently by placing the video projectors in ventilated and heated waterproof boxes.


The video media for our video mappings as well as the graphic creations for our architectural gobo projectors are created by our teams of graphic designers, which allows us total artistic freedom.
From 2D image animation to 3D modeling, we adapt the media content to the projection surface and the desired theme.

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Give your city or tourist site a new dimension with our dreamlike light trails. If you have a park, estate, castle or other tourist site, we can highlight it with a lighted night walk. Using video projection, gobo projections and different light installations, we create a suitable scenario that transforms the visitor experience.

A Magical Night Entertainment

We design nighttime entertainment that invites visitors to discover a place from a different perspective than during the day.
Thanks to video projections, gobo projections and light installations, each route is an invitation to daydream and discovery.
These technologies amaze spectators and encourage them to participate in this new type of immersive experience.

Enhance Your Heritage

The beauty and richness of your heritage will be enhanced by our luminous journey, offering a new way of discovering and appreciating the places.
This spotlight will renew the cultural offering and attract an ever wider and more curious audience.

Advantages of Luminous Pathways

Dreamlike Experience: Offer visitors a magical and immersive walk.
Heritage Promotion: Highlight the hidden treasures of your tourist site thanks to lighting effects and captivating projections.
Cultural Renewal: Propose a new nighttime activity that enriches the cultural offering and attracts a diverse audience.
Active Participation: Visitors become actors in their experience, exploring the places in an interactive and engaging way.