Audio app
Sound coverage of events in large spaces during outdoor events has always been a real problem for show organizers.
This requires going through huge sound systems which most of the time create noise pollution for the neighborhood.
It is with this in mind that we have set up a system that allows us to cover vast territories while controlling costs, specially designed for timecoded shows such as fireworks, video mapping, sound and light shows, drone shows, water shows, aquatic shows... or any other type of event requiring synchronization to a soundtrack.

A personalized experience
The application is fully customizable according to your needs, and respects the graphic charter of your event.
Synchronize one or more audio tracks on your visitors' devices (multilingual, audio description, child-friendly track, etc.).
- Smartphone-compatible (iOS and Android), tablet, computer
- No application to install on the smartphone!
- Free for the spectator
- Inclusive device adapted to the visually impaired
- Multilingual, one audio track per language
- Accessibility thanks to audio description
- Easy to use
- No distance limit
- Works in 4G and 5G
- Helps to avoid a sound system at certain times

Inclusion at the center of our concerns
Leisure and culture are part of the basic needs of existence and should not be hindered by a visual impairment.
Audio description is a technique for making shows accessible to blind and visually impaired people through a voice-over that describes what is happening visually (pyrotechnic displays, colors, lights, shapes, lighting ambiances, etc.).
The tape is first written by a specialized author or by the artistic coordinator, then recorded by a voice-over.
Thanks to our technology, during the show, each spectator accesses via his smartphone an audio description tape that he can broadcast in a headset, with or without the audio tape of the show.
Access our case study on the implementation of this audio description technological solution for the Lake Annecy Festival 2022.
Did you know ?
The Disability Act of 11 February 2005 (for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people with disabilities) states that "Every person with a disability has the right to the solidarity of the entire national community, which guarantees them, by virtue of this obligation, access to the fundamental rights recognised for all citizens as well as the full exercise of their citizenship."